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When You Feel Like God Isn’t Blessing You: Steps to Renew Your Faith

June 28, 20243 min read

God's blessings

When You Feel Like God Isn’t Blessing You: Steps to Renew Your Faith

Have you ever found yourself praying and asking God for something, only to feel like nothing is happening? Does it seem like the sky is falling, with everything terrible happening and no blessings in sight? You’re not alone. Many of us experience these moments of doubt and frustration. In today's video I share what to do when you feel like God isn’t blessing you.

1. Remember That God Is in Charge, But Not in Control

First, it’s crucial to understand that God is in charge, but He is not in control. This might sound confusing, but it’s about recognizing the gift of free will. God doesn’t control what we think, feel, or do. Instead, He gives us the freedom to make our own choices. This means that while God has a plan for us, He respects our free will and allows us to navigate our paths.

When we mistakenly believe that God is controlling everything, we might feel powerless and start thinking that we’re being punished or that we’re doing something wrong. This belief can lead to apathy because if we think we have no control over our lives, why would we take action to change things?

2. Ask According to His Will

The Bible teaches us that if we ask according to God’s will, we will receive it. This means that when we live in a relationship with Him and desire something that is not sinful, it is likely aligned with His will for us. We must believe that what we’re asking for already exists in God’s plan.

This belief is powerful. It shifts our mindset from doubt to faith. When we align our desires with God’s will and believe that He wants the best for us, we can move forward with confidence and hope.

3. Fill the Gap with Faith, Hope, and Belief

The gap between where we are and where we want to be must be filled with faith, hope, and belief. If we believe that God is controlling every aspect of our lives, we might fall into the trap of thinking that we have no role in our own lives. This leads to feelings of inadequacy and inaction. Instead, we need to understand that while God guides us, we are active participants in our journey.

To close this gap, identify the emotion you believe having your desire will create. Then, look for ways to experience that emotion in your life right now. For example, if you desire a promotion because it will make you feel valued, find other areas in your life where you already feel valued and seek to enhance those experiences. This practice not only brings you closer to your desired outcome but also fills your life with positivity and gratitude.

Join Our Free Masterclass: Be Fruitful Through Renewal

If you’re experiencing doubt, frustration, irritation, or anger, I invite you to join our free masterclass: Be Fruitful Through Renewal. This masterclass will help you learn how to flip these negative emotions into positive ones, creating the results you want in your life. Through practical teachings and spiritual guidance, you will discover how to align your desires with God’s will and live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

🔗 Join Our Free Masterclass: Be Fruitful Through Renewal

Remember, feeling like God isn’t blessing you doesn’t mean He has forgotten you. It means there’s an opportunity to deepen your faith, align with His will, and actively participate in your journey. Renew your faith today and take the first step towards a life filled with blessings and fulfillment.

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